August 13, 2021

The challenge is real: Your customer wants white letters printed on a red 100% polyester shirt... Wait - how about a camouflage shirt instead? Don't sweat it: Guardians™ to the rescue!
International Coatings' Guardian Gray™ 7043and AXEON™ Non-PVC Guardian Black™ 1240 are the ultimate bleed blockers! They are formulated to stop bleed on tough fabrics by absorbing the dye coming off the fabric.
As part of our FlexCure™ line of products, the Guardian Gray's 'flexible' curing range of 275°F to 325°F (135°C to 163°C) makes it ideal for printing on a variety of substrates.
View Video Print Demo of Guardian Black™
Conquer your tough dye migration issues – try the Guardian™ products today!
Check out our FlexCure™ web page for a complete listing of International Coatings' low-cure products.