Impressions Magazine featured an article regarding new trends in the industry. From fashion to technology, Impressions interviewed companies across the industry to give them what they see as emerging trends.
Here is an excerpt featuring Kieth Stevens' insight on emerging trends for screen printing inks:
Allover belt-style screen printing has made a return, along with lots more bling. Watch out for metallic, glitter, foil, puff, orthochromatic and thermochromatic, as well as reflective inks. “We’ve gotten a lot of inquiries for specialty inks, especially silver or gold glitter and shimmers; faux foil; and dimensional inks, such as puff,” says Kieth Stevens, Western regional sales manager for International Coatings. “Printers are also returning to the old-school plastisol feel.”
International Coatings recently launched a new-and-improved clear gel gloss ink designed to double as an in-line foil caviar bead and flock adhesive. The company also released its FlexCure™ ink line, with a flexible curing range from a low 275˚F to a standard 325˚F.
“Low-curing inks have found a home in the market due to today’s high-synthetic-fabric contents,” Stevens says. “Lower curingtemperatures can result in energy savings and also help control dye migration and fabric shrinkage.”
Read the full article